These are our suggestions for accommodation. For more information check out the local tourist office, by clicking on the town name below, or for a full list of hotels click the listing after our recommendations for each town.
Les Crayeres
Grand Hôtel des Templiers ****e-mail
Chateau Muire
Hôtel Paix *** hotel right next to the main pedestrian area in Reims. Excellent for shops. Swimming pool.
New Hôtel Europe For a full listing of hotels around Reims, click here
Les Berceaux
Hotel de Champagne Epernay
Royal Champagne another Relais & Chateaux property, overlooking the vineyards and the River Marne towards Epernay.
For a full listing of hotels around Epernay, click here
Check out these chains for various accommodations in the Champagne area:
Accor Goup Envergure Group Holiday Inn
The best address in town is Gerard Boyer's three-Michelin starred restaurant and **** hotel. As the Michelin Red Guide says, expect to pay dearly for the privilege! Rooms from FF1450, to FF2500 for the Princess Diana suite in the beautifully manicured gardens. Set in several acres of pretty grounds, this property is not central. It's located just outside the Pommery & Greno estate, but if you can afford to stay here, what's a taxi fare? Part of the prestigious Relais & Chateaux group.
Modern City centre *** hotel, convenient for shops. Small rooms. Around FF480 double.
Rue de Berceaux, 51200 tel: fax: A charming small *** hotel with a two-Michelin starred restaurant. Doubles from FF390